Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Shribman Named Scholar-in-Residence at Dietrich College

Carnegie Mellon University's Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences has announced that David Shribman, who will be stepping down from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette after 16 years as executive editor, will join the college as a scholar-in-residence in January.

"I am excited to join a leading university like Carnegie Mellon and get involved in the intellectual life of the campus," Shribman said. "I'm a bookworm, so I'm also looking forward to having some time for reflection and writing."

Shribman will continue to pen his syndicated column, "National Perspective."

Shribman has been executive editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette since 2003. Previously, he was the Boston Globe's Washington bureau chief. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in journalism in 1995 for his analytical reporting on Washington developments and the American political scene. Before joining the Boston Globe, he was a national political correspondent for The Wall Street Journal. Prior to that, he covered Congress and national politics for The New York Times and was a member of the national staff of The Washington Star. He began his career at The Buffalo Evening News, where he worked on the city staff before he was assigned to the paper's Washington bureau.

Attribution: smu.edu
Full Story: Shribman

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