Faye Haskins Book Reading Schedule, "The Evening Star: The Rise and Fall of a Great Washington Newspaper”

For much of its life, the newspaper you are holding in your hands — or perusing on your computer or smartphone — was nowhere near the best one in Washington. It wasn’t The Washington Post that was thick with ads, peppered with datelines from around the world, full of insider gossip, piercing editorial cartoons and the proclamations of officialdom. It was the Washington Evening Star.

The life of every star is finite, and Washington’s Star was no different. On Aug. 7, 1981, the words “FINAL EDITION” blared from above the paper’s nameplate. It really was.

The life of the paper is recounted in “The Evening Star: The Rise and Fall of a Great Washington Newspaper,” a new book by Faye Haskins, a former archivist and photo librarian in the D.C. Public Library’s Washingtoniana division.

Haskins will be speaking about her book at 1 p.m. Nov. 9 in the Peabody Room at the Georgetown Neighborhood Library and at 6 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Historical Society of Washington in the Carnegie Library.

Attribution: John Kelly, washingtonpost.com
Full story: Haskins

1 comment:

  1. After Faye's presentation at the Georgetown Library on November 9 , those interested are gathering at Cafe Divan, 1834 Wisconsin Avenue. This is a change from Cafe Milano. It is closer to the library and walkable.
